Friday, 3 June 2011

Mio Soul Modifikasi Sporty

For this type of motor modifasi (mio or sporty) you can make modifications in the foot - the foot. Depending on your choice, you can be oriented in the flow or lowrider hotrod, both the flow factor of the legs gets special attention.
Mio Soul Modifikasi Sporty

Mio Soul Modifikasi Sporty

Mio Soul Modifikasi Sporty

Modifications to the lowrider rims and tires are usually made ​​more gambot. On the rim and tire selection also must consider the ability of automatic motor itself. Do not let the use of tires that are too big even eventually cause the engine to work keras.Anda can use a large rim and tire by the engine power should also note we extend. How can the increase the capacity of the engine so the power generated will be larger as well.

Another part that can be modified on this bike is yamaha mio lowrider look. Machine we can get backing for a roomy space so that tire size can enter. But keep in mind in making changes pda heavy machinery and power point - should be taken into account, lest by doing so it changes the motor was not comfortable driving.
Spare parts for the modification of motor vehicle accessories yamaha mio sporty soul and already we find in many toko2 accessoris. But in our variasipun election should not be carelessly. Choose good quality accessories component because it will provide comfort when paired on a modified motor. Conversely, if using components whose quality may be questionable sefety stake.

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