Monday, 2 May 2011

Smudge Painting with twirl effect

hai! salam semua kawan2 ^^

(hello all)

disini saya mencoba menjelaskan cara2 pembuatan karya saya:

(here I try to explain my artwork steps)

oke saya mulai saja tahapannya.

(this is my step)

single software Adobe Photoshop CS5

original image:

1. smudge painting(smudge painting)



cara penggunaan(how to use):

  • di'gosok' searah dengan lipatan2 kulit/bayangan, dimaksudkan agar hasil goresan tidak mempengaruhi detail dari gambar asli

(brush in the direction of areas of skin folds, intended for the scratches do not affect the detail of the original image)

  • Untuk jelasnya liat di video tutorial sebelumnya

(For details see the previous tutorial video)

2. crop/potong objek(tubuh) (croping object/body)



cara penggunaan(how to use):

  • seleksi batas objek dan background hingga kedua ujung titik pen bertemu(seluruh tubuh terseleksi)

(selection border and background objects to both ends of the pen point to see (the entire body selected))

3. mewarnai objek(coloring)


  • Hue and saturation (ctrl+u)

  • Color balance (ctrl+b)

properti dan cara penggunaan(properties and how to use it):


  • disesuaikan dengan warna kulit yg sesuai(adapted to the skin)

bibir, eye shadow(lips and eye shadow)

  • seleksi bagian kulit,(selection of the skin)

  • duplikat hasil seleksi, (duplicate the results of selection)

  • beri warna yg sesuai (give color you like)

perona(blush on)

  • gunakan soft brush dengan transparansi tipis (use a soft brush with a thin transparent)

  • sapukan di bagian pipi(brush on the cheek)

  • note: jika berlebihan maka kurangi opocity layer secukupnya(if necessary, reduce the layer opocity)

4. efek spiral pada perut (spiral effect)



cara penggunaan(how to use):

  • buang bagian tubuh yang tidak di perlukan....hehe perlu sih sbenernyeeee (",) (remove parts that are not in need)

  • seleksi dgn pen tool,(use pen tool)

  • klik kanan,(right click to show pop up menu)

  • make selection, OK

  • delete(keyboard)

  • seleksi dgn pen tool, (use pen tool)

  • klik kanan, (right click to show pop up menu)

  • make selection, OK

  • layer via cut (ctrl+shift+J)

  • rotasi sedikit hasil potongan(ctrl+T), enter(keyboard) (rotate and enter)

  • buat shape tambahan dengan pen tool (create additional shapes with the pen tool)

  • buat efek cahaya dan shadow pada shape sehingga membentuk twirl atau spiral(create effects of light and shadow in shape so as to form Twirl or spiral)

5. ornamen(Ornament)

stok brush :

6. background

klo bgnya...image aja...lupa...g papa ya???cape saya..wehehehehe bye bye tengkiuuuuu (I am forget it...sorry..weheehee)


maaf klo ada banyak kurangnya...dan level pengguna yg saya acak... ^^

sengaja hanya menggunakan single software dan tanpa additional plugin

(sorry for my poor english)

JohnS Due

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