Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Happy Valentine

-I cant imagine being with an/1, but U! "BMV" Bersamamu, setiap hari adalah Valentine.
-Aku tahu SMS ini tdk cukup utk menyampaikan rasa sayangku padamu. "Happy Valentine".
-Stlh smua yg kau berikan, rasanya terlalu pelit jika hari ini aku tdk mengucapkan kata cinta padamu.
"Happy Valentine".
-"Happy Valentine".Terima kasih pd ibumu yg telah melahirkan kamu.
-Hari ini, di Hari Valentine, setiap satu jam sekali aku akan kirimkan SMS cinta untukmu.
-Kuharap batu hatimu terkikis, krn setiap pagi selalu kutetesi kasih. Happy Valentine's Day.
-U'll always be mine 4now & 4ever. U'll always be mine 4 Ur my treasure. If U'll always be mine plz
tell me d truth. N Inite, Plz BMV!
-I'm nothing without U.... PLz HldMeCIs 'coz ICLWYluv.
-"Happy Valentine" This is just a little note 2 say how much I appreciate U night N day.
-As long as we have Imorrow, our dreams will never fade.
-Aku tak dpt hidup tanpamu... krn sesungguhnya kaulah nafas hidupku...."Happy Valentine".
-Without U in my life I'd be empty inside. Without U I'd have nothing 2 look 4ward 2.Thank U 4
-everything U've shown me about what true love can really B! "Happy Valentine" & IOWAN2BWU.
-Being with U is a constant state of bliss! "Happy Valentine" &TMIY.
-U bring happiness 2 my life each N every day. Ur Laughter, Ur Love, U shine down upon me each N
every way.This Valentine I JTLUNolLuvU.
-When I am with U,'N hugging U, time stops 'N I leave this earth 'N I am in heaven. Happy Valentine's
-Valentine's Day comes once a year. But my love 4 U, lasts all year, every year...
-Valentine's Day is 4 U 2 let Ur heart do the talking ! Pour Ur heart out 2 the one U've fallen 4, make
Ur sweetheart feel special N celebrate the most powerful emotion on earth, love.
-Unlimited my love just 4 U. Unlimited my heart only 2 U, give me 2 brave U, guard U, 4ever U!
Happy Valentine's Day....
-We gain N lose things evryday. But trust me on 1 thing: U'll never lose me coz U'll always B my
-Having U in my life has been an answered prayer. Happy Valentine my sweetheart....
-I'm thankful 4 the life I have.The life I have with U, my Valentine....
-I didn't know I LV U till I heard myself telling so, 4 one instance I thought, "Good God, what have I
said ?" N then I knew it was true.
-A part of U has grown in me N so U see, it's U 'N me 2gether, 4rver N never a part, maybe in
distance, but never in heart.
-It's 2 love 'N impossible be wise. Valentine, I wanna be U'rs...... Plz, be mine?
Being with U puts me on cloud 9. Honey, plz BMV. 2 the 1 I love.... Happy Valentine's day!
-U make my heart bubble over with happiness, "HAPPYVALENTINE'S DAY!"
-Maybe it was d 4 leaf clover or probably my good luck charm. It could have been d lucky star or it
-must have been all taken 2gether that I found somel as special as U!I just wanted 2 say.... UVe the best thing that ever happened 2 me! "Happy Valentine's Day".
-Thinking of U makes me smile.Thinking of U 'N me 2gethter makes me blush....So BMV, plz....??
We are made 4 each other, I know this is true. This love that I have, was intended 4 U."Happy
Valentine's Day".
-Listen 2 my heart: can U hear it sing, telling me 2 give U everything. Seasons may change, winter 2
spring, but I LV U til, the end of time."Happy Valentine's Day".
-4 me, UVe the Queen, the rest is just the rest. Plz, BMV?
The rose that U gave me has faded N wilted away. But the love tucked in deep inside remains in my
heart 4ever.
-I would give up anything just 2 be with U, my Valentine....
-Everyday is Valentine with U beside me.The rose had wilted but let U be mine.
-My life is 4 me but my heart is 4 U.
-My soul's ambition is 2 love U. Love U with all my heart, my mind, and with all my strength.
-I'll be Ur crying shoulder, I'll be love suicide, I'll be better when I'm older, I'll be the greatest fan of Ur
life N I'll be UrValentine....
-If U think my eyes are beautiful, it's coz their looking at U.
-UVe the cherry on my sundae.
-I will give U water if U will share Ur wine. N I will feed Ur heart if U promise 2 feed mine.
-There's this rose in a garden that I cant part. 4 U're that rose N the garden is my heart.
-I LV U coz I am sensitive 2 touch N U have touched my heart!
-What I need 2 live is given 2 me by the earth, but what I need 2 live 4 is given 2 me by U.
-U have the key 2 my heart baby....,'N no one is coming inside my world but U. Plz........ BMV?
U're my first star at night, N I'd be lost in space without U in my valentine's day.

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